About Me

I’m Kiki, a journalist, loved wife, and blessed mother of many children. I survived an emotionally abusive childhood dominated by a malignant narcissist mother, enabling father (also a narcissist, but mild in comparison to her) and a narcissistic/golden child brother.

In Lent 2011, I prayed, “Lord, help me see things as they are.” The amount of demands, stress, and anxiety in my life had been increasing every month, and I was battling a growing sense of despair.  My prayer, muttered constantly during those 40 days, was so that I could put my life in order. Instead, God answered the prayer far more shockingly than I could have foreseen.

An incident—like so many other ones—happened, but this time, I had a flashback. And my life, which had felt like scattered pieces of a puzzle, suddenly clicked into place. God allowed me to suddenly begin to see the real reason why I had been so depressed: I was in a deeply emotional abusive relationship with my mother, father, and brother. After 38 years worth of emotional abuse, I was dying. I couldn’t take it anymore.

And so, through prayer, incredible friends, and a kind therapist, I began the battle, step by step, skirmish by skirmish.

My online journal began in April 2011, but in February 2012, I changed blogging platforms. The previously published posts have their original dates at the top.

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